Caletta is accessible to all guests regardless of physical ability.

The front entrance to Boarding House is located at ground level on Federal Street and is fully accessible to wheelchair users and other mobility-impaired guests. An interior lift provides access to the lower level where the accessible restroom is located. Our outdoor patio seating is also located at ground level and is fully accessible.

While the historic front entrance to Pearl on Federal Street contains several steps and is not accessible to wheelchair users, an exterior lift provides full access to the second entrance found through our garden on India Street. The second entrance is actively monitored by our hosts who will greet your party at the door upon arrival.

Apart from our main dining room, the Pearl offers several smaller rooms and spaces which may be reserved for a more private dining experience. Two of these spaces are located on the first floor and are fully accessible to wheelchair users and other mobility-impaired guests. Please inquire with our team upon reservation and we can accommodate any specific needs your party may have to the best of our abilities.